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Interior Design Drawing with Morpholio Trace

morpholio trace
2 min readOct 8, 2021

Many interior designers rely on sketching to develop and present their work every day, but may not be aware of how easy it is to generate hand drawn perspectives and rendered sketches using the iPad Pro and Pencil. Inspired to help her colleagues dive into the digital magic, top interior designer Sarah Sham of Essajees Atelier reached out to Morpholio Trace. A few months later, a global collaboration emerged connecting creatives from India, the Czech Republic, and the United States with a world wide audience.

Participants from across the world joined in the step-by-step process in Morpholio Trace on iPad Pro with Apple Pencil

On Saturday, September 18, 2021, architect and sketch educator David Drazil presented his brilliant drawing process in Morpholio Trace in a step-by-step format, allowing the audience to follow along on their iPads and Apple Pencils or with paper and pencil. In addition, the international crowd of over 4,400 was able to ask questions directly to Sarah Sham and Joey Swerdlin, Morpholio Community Director about interior design and tips for working in Morpholio Trace, gaining insight into why it is uniquely suited to architecture and interiors.

Drawing time lapse by David Drazil

A competition was held for the audience to share their drawings made during the event and Shweta Dekate blew us away with her pencil and watercolor rendering of the scene! Her drawing got a big blast on social media and she was awarded a free year of Morpholio Trace for her amazing work. Give her a follow here.

Drawing and photo by Shweta Dekate

To get all the Morpholio Trace tips and tricks that David shared in a single PDF, follow the link here!

Video by David Drazil
Poster for the event

Learn more about Morpholio Trace.

Download Morpholio Trace for your iPad or iPhone.

