Top “Smooth Curve” Trace Sketches of the Month

morpholio trace
3 min readDec 11, 2022
Drawing by Guillaume Descamps

Thank you to all of the amazing firms and inspiring designers who have shared their Trace drawings. Today, we are proud to share the best Smooth Curve projects. We hope you like how these incredible designers used the amazing NEW Smooth Curve setting to add gentle bends, swooping loops, and meandering lines to create the masterpieces below!

Want to make your own Smooth Curves drawings? Learn how here.

Don’t forget to post your sketches and follow @morpholio for a chance to be included in next month’s best list on Instagram! Just tag @morpholio and “Made in #MorpholioTrace”!

Vincent Dayag, Architect


Chou-Tac, Industrial Designer


Carmen Gasalla Bueno, Architect


Anne Chen, Architect


Bolt Mahitti Wongruchatanun, Landscape Master Planner


Randall Smith, Landscape Designer


Rodrigo Cavazos, Industrial Designer


David Drazil, Architect MSc.


Rodrigo Cavazos, Industrial Designer


Amin Zakaria, Architect


Omar Calderon, Master Plan Architect at Perkins Eastman


Thomas K, Product Design Student


Susan Knof, Interior Designer


Guillaume Descamps, Industrial Designer


Morpholio Team


Jim Keen, Author


Viswesh Warrier, Architect


Robert Kiss, Industrial Designer


Javier Calderón, Artist


Grati Sorina-Nicoleta, Artist

