Get to Know the Pros: Tommy Sutanto

Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023

morpholio trace
2 min readMay 16, 2023

Tommy Sutanto is a master of the detail axonometric drawing. As the National Technical Lead at BVN Architecture, Tommy meticulously draws through the details of how each material comes together, bringing projects to life using Morpholio Trace. Learn about what drives his process and method.

What is your personal belief on drawing and design?

Design is a process of thought. A process that is communicated via drawing, which is an art of exploration, development, and documentation. It is an artwork.

What is your favorite feature in Trace and why?

The selection tool is my favourite feature to copy and paste within and between layers. It assists me working efficiently as most of my drawings involves typical details.

What is one piece of advice you would give other designers?

Think big picture yet consider small feature. Great design comes from meticulous thought.

Check out all of Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023 here. You can also get more behind the scenes content by following @morpholio on Instagram.

