Get to Know the Pros: Salwa Shafiq

Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023

morpholio trace
2 min readMay 16, 2023

Salwa Shafiq specializes in presenting complex architectural ideas in an easy to understand way. Not only are her drawings are clear and concise though, they also pop off the screen and are absolutely captivating. Watch and learn how she creates these incredible scenes.

What is your personal belief on drawing and design?

For me, drawing is a crucial part of the design process. It allows me to communicate my ideas and vision to clients, contractors, and other members of the design team. Sketching and drawing by hand can also help me to think through design problems and explore different solutions.
When it comes to designing, I often approach it as a collaborative process that involves listening to the client’s needs and desires, as well as considering factors such as building codes. I aim to create designs that not only meet my clients’ requirements but also create functional, beautiful, and sustainable spaces.
In summary, I approach designing and drawing with a combination of artistic creativity and technical expertise to create successful projects.

What is your favorite feature in Trace and why?

My favourite tools in Trace are layers tools and the Ultra Fine and Fine Tip Markers; the latter being my favourite. I usually use them for rendering and creating initial 3D sketches. The layer tools allows to create multiple layers of the same drawing so I can create more options within the same file.

What is one piece of advice you would give other designers?

A designer/architect or interior designer must continuously learn and improve. The design industry is continually changing, so it’s crucial to keep learning and improving your skills.

Check out all of Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023 here. You can also get more behind the scenes content by following @morpholio on Instagram.

