Get to Know the Pros: Rich Reed

Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023

morpholio trace
2 min readMay 16, 2023

Rich Reed does it all and does it heroically. As a sole practitioner at Rich Design Studio, he designs everything from ground-up houses to commercial rebuilds. Throughout each project, Rich relies on Trace to move the project forward and bring the design to the next level. Learn all about his techniques and thinking.

What is your personal belief on drawing and design?

Drawing and design is symbiotic like writing and speech, you can’t have one without the other. Drawing is simply the process of getting to a design. Drawing helps flush out ideas, communicate, explore, solve pragmatic problems and convey visual solutions. This can be through sketching, technical drawings, or artwork.

What is your favorite feature in Trace and why?

So many… If I had to CHOOSE a favorite it would be the ability to import 3D models into Trace from Revit and/or SketchUp of existing condition structures and trace over for additions or adaptive-reuse purposes. I say this because I use this the most and my SECOND favorite is the ability to mark up PDFs of technical drawings and send them to contractors or my design team for redlines. I can do that anytime and anywhere and I love it!!!!!

What is one piece of advice you would give other designers?

STAY THIRSTY MY FRIENDS… but seriously, stay thirsty, meaning… Look for opportunities to be creative. Designing is simply a creative way to get to a solution in spite of the various problems that arise or are given. We are inquisitive creatures, ask questions, get to know your subject/client. Challenge your own thoughts and ideas. Oh, and have fun!

Check out all of Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023 here. You can also get more behind the scenes content by following @morpholio on Instagram.

