Get to Know the Pros: Pradnya Desai

Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023

morpholio trace
2 min readMay 16, 2023

Pradnya Desai is a thoughtful interior designer whose process from idea to construction is completely integrated with her hand-drawing technique. Pradnya has mastered the ability to work seamlessly through sketching to test ideas. And, through rigorous refinement she produces brilliant presentations that make her designs shine. Check out how she does it in her video and interview!

What is your personal belief on drawing and design?

As someone who loves the traditional drawing techniques, hand drawing for me remains an essential tool for initiating the planning and design process of a space. Through sketching, I am able to conceptualise my ideas and clarify my thoughts, while also comprehending the user interaction and visualise the functional aspects of my designs. Drawing thus helps me to document, explore and communicate my designs while also understanding the process as to how I arrived at the final solutions to meet the design requirements.

What is your favorite feature in Trace and why?

My favourite tool in Trace has to be the Super Ruler because it allows me to draw with the feel of working with a real physical scale and pencil on paper while at the same time maintaining the accuracy of scaling the drawings even when zooming in and out, thus ensuring more precision which is especially useful for the technical and more detailed working drawings.

What is one piece of advice you would give other designers?

In order to produce effective designs that prioritise the client’s needs over design trends, it is essential to invest time in establishing a structured design process. Creating an organised, personalised drawing workflow will ensure efficient execution, from concept development to the final stages, thus resulting in optimal design solutions for a given space.

Check out all of Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023 here. You can also get more behind the scenes content by following @morpholio on Instagram.

