Get to Know the Pros: Carter Roy

Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023

morpholio trace
2 min readMay 16, 2023

Carter Roy is a passionate thought-leader in landscape design and architecture. Known for his captivating educational videos on Design it Green, his positive energy is a powerful motivator to maintain your own personal journey of drawing. Check out Carter’s latest video and interview.

What is your personal belief on drawing and design?

For me drawing and design is all about repetition and trial and error. So the more opportunities I can give myself and the more experiences that I have within the design and drawing space, the better I can be. So if I can do something 1% better or learn 1% more than yesterday than I am improving in that regard.

What is your favorite feature in Trace and why?

My favorite feature is the Super Ruler. I think the ruler and the built-in features that it has is what makes Trace such a successful tool for us as architects. It really bridges the gap between precision drawing by hand on pen and paper and drawing on a tablet.

What is one piece of advice you would give other designers?

Don’t be afraid to try something new. Every experience that you have as a designer is ultimately a positive experience if you look at it in the right light so don’t be afraid to go down a new avenue as you never know what will come of your ideas unless you try them.

Check out all of Morpholio’s Top Design Sketch Masters of 2023 here. You can also get more behind the scenes content by following @morpholio on Instagram.

